This 4 part message of our faith-building series is intended to help the listener come into a greater understanding of the way God’s healing works, including our authority, God’s will concerning healing, and simple ways to receive our healing.
There is also a segment showing how God’s healing power resides inside those that are Spirit-filled. God desires for us to “give it away” by laying hands on the sick and allowing His power to touch them.
Concepts of healing: How to invoke bible promises, making them come alive in the Earth.
How to remove false belief systems that hinder us from receiving healing.
The believer’s authority, concerning healing.
The law of faith.
Invoking Healing.
Healing is our inheritance in Christ.
The principles of healing.
Healing by the Word (it’s not just a gift!) Pulling down the walls of Jericho (and the walls of sickness and disease) Destroying Unbelief to open the way for healing to flow.
Healing power lives in you by the Holy Spirit.